We’ve been working with estate coffee since 1994, and were among the first in Europe to travel to the source countries!

The seeds are sown
The true history of our company dates all the way back to 1895, when the Meschini family began roasting coffee. Four generations on, Enrico Meschini felt the need to go beyond the customary practices of the coffee world and carve out his own path.

And so it begins
Le Piantagioni del Caffè was founded in 1994, as a tiny new business dedicated to roasting single-estate coffees. In the meantime, Enrico Meschini had begun travelling to the source countries, meeting green coffee producers and getting to know their work.

The certified specialty coffe (CSC) ASSOCIATION IS FOUNDED
Together with a group of other roasters seeking to specialise in artisanal quality, Enrico founded the Certified Specialty Coffee (CSC) association, serving as its chairman ever since. Its aim is to promote quality coffee, and to support research into the product.

The Specialty Coffee Association of Europe (SCAE) is founded
The Specialty Coffee Association of Europe (SCAE) was founded in 1998. Now simply the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) – following its merger with the Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA) – the non-profit international association aims to bring together all quality-oriented operators in the industry. Enrico Meschini was involved in its foundation and, thanks to his work, Le Piantagioni del Caffè is today recognised as a Pioneer Member.

Two world collide
Enrico discovered Le Piantagioni del Caffè in 1999, and it was love at first sight. He joined the company soon after (in early 2000), first as a minority shareholder, and then as the majority shareholder. And so began this fascinating journey.

Evolution of approach
Enrico’s innovative approach breathed new life into the business: the numerous trips to source countries to meet with producers in person, combined with the introduction of a solid system of exchanging information with those producers, provided key opportunities for mutual learning that led to improvements in the quality and consistency of the roasted coffees.

A new system and the arrival of Prunella Meschini
Having completed her studies in Molecular Biology, Enrico’s daughter Prunella became involved in supervising the development of the new roasting system. This was a very significant moment for the growing business. Prunella identified with the company’s team and approach, and saw a way to apply the scientific methods she had trained in to the company processes. And so she decided to join her father on this adventure. The trips to the estates became more frequent, and the exchanges of information with producers more detailed. All with a view to filling each cup with unique aromas that speak of the individual estates and of the people who tend them.

Iacopo Bargoni joins the team
Iacopo Bargoni, a managerial consultant in the field of economics and Prunella’s life partner, found himself increasingly drawn to the world of coffee thanks to the stories he heard from Prunella and Enrico. Indeed, the new energy injected by Prunella into the company had proved contagious, breathing new life into the sector.
And so Iacopo decided it was time for him to join Prunella and follow in Enrico’s footsteps.

Iacopo e Prunella take on management roles
After three years spent researching and travelling with Enrico, Prunella and Iacopo felt the time was right to take the reins of the company. Having already brought with them energy and innovation, they now honed their strategic and decision-making skills, revolutionising the entire work process.

International and national expansion
The new work process introduced by Iacopo and Prunella – which was highly strategic and based on scientific methods – led to rapid commercial growth in Italy and abroad. Le Piantagioni del Caffè consolidated its position as one of the leading roasters of top-quality coffee.

The revolution
Not content to stop at what they’d already achieved, Iacopo and Prunella began to question everything. They realised they could do much more. After 18 months of research and analysis, they launched the full rebrand of Le Piantagioni del Caffè, with the goal of serving as a leading light in the sector, paving the way for accessibility and drinkability. And so they set the wheels of the “accessible coffee trend” in motion!

Ambitious goals!
What lies ahead for Le Piantagioni del Caffè in the coming years? There are many projects in the works, all aimed at making coffee cool, trendy and pop, for a relaxed drinking experience. So what are you waiting for? Get in touch to find out more!